At Wadebridge Petty Sessions on Tuesday William Leadville Bennett, Lower Trevorgus Farm, St. Merryn, was fined £l2 for unlawfully buying' from soldiers one pair of boots, 2 lbs. of sugar, and 1 lb. of tea, total value £1 9s. 6d. He was also fined £1 for being in possession of Government stores, viz., tobacco, reasonably suspected of having been unlawfully obtained. inspector Tucker said on July 22, after the Farmers' Arms Inn at St. Merryn had closed. The defendant following some conversation with two soldiers about stores, asked them to get what stores they could and he would pay them a good price. The soldiers agreed to meet Bennett at the Farmers' Arms the next evening. On leaving him they decided to report the matter to their commanding officer. The commanding officer got into communication with the police, and it was agreed that the soldiers should take a pair of boots and a quantity of tea and sugar, and that if defendant offered to purchase these a certain course should be taken.

The two soldiers went to the Farmers' Arms after they had secreted the property near the defendant's residence. Subsequently Bennett motioned to one of the soldiers to come outside, and asked him if he had managed to get anything. The soldier told defendant of the articles and they agreed to go up the road when the inn closed. After the two soldiers had left the inn the defendant came along, accompanied by a sailor and a member of the Home Guard. In conversation with the soldiers he said he would get a half-pound tin of tobacco in part payment and would pay 18s. 6d. in money. Defendant went to his farm and brought back the tobacco, and Constable Welke then came out from a hedge, spoke to Bennett and took possession of the boots. sugar, and tea. Defendant said: " I'm in disgrace. I've done wrong, and ought to have known better."